Clear-cut, straightforward rules make for good fishing with no room for disgruntlements at weigh-in. Go out and have fun, be ethical and friendly. BUT KNOW THE RULES, AS THEY WILL BE ADHERED TO !!!
1. Participation is open to any legally licensed angler who is 18 years of age or older and has agreed to waiver liability to all sponsoring parties by signing a waiver release and indemnification agreement. Parent/guardian documented approval is necessary if under age 18. Event entry fees and annual one time $60 per person organizational/member fee must have been paid prior to participation. No membership fees will be returned once paid. See rule #24 for any returned entry information.
2. All fishing must be done from a boat. Proof of watercraft liability insurance must be available at time of entry on water and provided to officials upon request.
3. All boats must be at least 14 ft in length, comply with U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating and be equipped with a working ignition kill switch. Coast guard approved vests/preservers are to be worn anytime outboard engine is underway. All local, state and federal laws are to be followed. Any participant/team officially cited during tournament hours for any violations will be DISQUALIFIED.
4. A FULL SEASON DISCOUNT (saving $450!) of $1475 (all five 25' Qualifiers & two annual memberships) are accepted up to March 31, 2025. Discounted Full Season teams can also DOUBLE BALL DRAW! during morning registration for takeoff boat position. Teams must take second draw # if they elect a second draw. Single event mailed entries are accepted no later than SEVEN calendar days prior to any event. ONLINE registration is available FOR SINGLE EVENT ENTRIES ONLY. ALL SINGLE EVENT REGISTERS WILL BEGIN APRIL 1, 2025. Mailed entries $330. Online credit card entries $355. Ramp pays accepted day of event cash only $360. Ramp pays are assigned position at the end of the field. All single prepays will draw a single ball for takeoff position.
5. Tournament hours will vary with alterations possible. All participants must be registered with boats on water no later than 10 minutes prior to stated start time. Boats arriving after start time may not participate in event.
6. All prepaid teams will draw for boat position at registration. Teams will be released in sequential fashion beginning with boat 1. Teams must identify their position immediately when called and take off only upon acknowledgment of official. Once an event field of 40 or more is met, there will be two equally proportioned flights, with twenty minutes added to the stated close time for the latter flight. Permanent team #'s are established according to date of entry received sequentially. Championship field will be released according to permanent team number for season and reversed on day two.
7. You may fish by yourself at any event but are still responsible for all event fees. A “team” consists of at least one, but no more than two people in a single boat. Your team may fish with any X-Series member, at any event, without alternate fees. A named alternate for the Championship must be presented to director for approval at any time. This alternate must have fished at least one regular season qualifier w/ the team to be eligible for Championship participation. If a team divides during qualifying season only one angler may carry the points for that team- the other partner must start at zero upon separation. Points will be awarded to each team weighing fish. The points will begin with 100 for 1st top weight of each event and continue to descend in appropriate order. In the event of identical weights the highest points available will be awarded to all same weight teams, but continue to descend in appropriate fashion for the following positions (ex: 1st and 2nd tie and receive 100 points, the 3rd place team receives 98 points). There are 20 show points awarded to any team fishing a qualifying event that did not weigh fish and returned their ball to check in boat in a timely fashion.
2025 X-Series Anglers of the Year, according to highest point standings after the five qualifying season, will receive FREE ENTRIES for the 2026 season. Second place will receive 50% off 2026 full season discount entry fee. Third place one free 2026 entry. Any team in the top 50% of points after qualifier five will receive a championship invitation.
Any team having fished/paid for all five qualifying events automatically qualifies for a championship invitation.
EACH championship team will receive one entry into a single draw of championship participants to win a 2025 Ranger RT178 regardless of finishing position !!! One person of a team must be physically present at the 25' Championship to win at time of drawing completed post weigh-in Day2 of the Championship.
Championship winners of highest two day accumulative weight will win:
8. All boats must be equipped with a working aeration system. Tournament officials must inspect all livewells at time of boat registration. Any portion of the watercraft is subject to inspection by officials at any time before, during or after the event. Refusal of inspection, the team is disqualified. The use of ice, chemical water treatments and constant aeration is strongly encouraged. Any dead fish brought to scales for weight will result in a ONE POUND penalty of the total weight and big bass weight if applicable. A dead fish is determined by tournament officials only, based on any one of the following present at bump tank –1) glossed or dulled eyes 2) no gill movement. If the fish appears questionable, the contestant will be asked to take the fish to holding tank. After a period of resuscitation, the fish must then be able to remain in an upright position on its own, without angler intervention, without floating or sinking to one side for an official’s count of ten.
9. A team limit will consist of a FIVE fish limit of any largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted (Kentucky) BASS that are 12” or longer, or prevailing lake regulations. If more than 5 fish are provided to official for weight, the team is disqualified. Fish must be culled immediately after a limit has been met.
10. A courtesy board will be made available away from the scales prior to bringing fish up for weight. This courtesy board is also available during morning registration for contestants’ board accuracy. There is a ONE POUND penalty to the total weight of legal fish, for each fish brought to scales under minimum length requirements. All questionable fish will be measured on a precision rule, mouth completely closed, base of the tail moved up and down while parallel to the precision rule and given every reasonable chance to measure. All fish brought to tub for weight will be handled only by event officials and immediately released alive.
11. Fishing is permitted anywhere within tournament waters or connecting waters accessible by boat with the exception of: “off limit” areas designated at registration and/or takeoff time, areas of the lake buoyed as no boat regions and the immediate weigh-in area 30 minutes prior to the first stated close time of the event. If the team is found fishing “off limit” areas by any official or by written protest, the team is disqualified.
12. Boats are never to be within “touching distance”. The illegal practice of “hole sitting” by another competitor or non-competitors' boat is prohibited. PLEASE exhibit sportsmanlike and courteous positioning when fishing similar water. Simple communication between boats can often resolve on the water issues. Positive communication between teams is expected to have occurred prior to any formal protest. The use of any profanity during these angling communications is grounds for DQ.
13. The use of alcohol or illicit substances during event hours and weigh-in is prohibited.
14. Only artificial baits are permitted for use. Trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. Drifting is permitted. Only one casting or spinning rod may be in use for the purpose of catching fish, per individual. All bass must be caught in a live sporting manner with rod and reel while the participant remains inside the watercraft. During competition days, contestants may not place brush or other physical fish attractors, including chum of any kind, in tournament waters.
15. Teams are to report to officials’ “on the water” check-in boat by way of their numbered ball. Officials are available 15 minutes prior to first finish time. Time is determined when the ball enters official’s boat. Participants of a team must remain on the water in their boat up to disposing of ball to check-in boat. There is a 1lb penalty for loss of check-in ball. At no time may a team without check-in ball return late. Participants must remain within the immediate weigh-in/ramp area once checked in. Late teams are penalized one pound per minute to total weight and DQ’d after five minutes (5:01) of indicated finish time. At no time may a team bring in another teams catch. A team may tow another competitor’s vessel back to weigh-in. Boats are never to be boarded by another participant of a different team at anytime including weigh-in.
16. There is an official “off limits” of event waters for the EIGHT hours preceding the event start time.
17. The use of any electronic communication devices is PERMITTED during event hours. PARTICIPANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO POST TO: INSTAGRAM @dobasses FACEBOOK & @Xseriesbass
18. Five teams of event organizers will/may fish each event, indicated as teams “a”-“b”-“c”-"d"-"e". The director will remove any authority to decide a protest involving these teams and let a majority vote of remaining participants rule. Each X-Series event is based on a GUARANTEED PAYOUT regardless of participation. There will be no changes made. Should participation rates consistently exceed a field of 65 teams at qualifiers, the RANGER RT178 DRAW BOAT will be converted from electric only power to that of a four-stroke outboard in the package to be drawn/won by a championship team.
19. Precision digital tournament scales are the “primary scales” used for determining weight. “Backup scales” that are calibrated with the primary scale will be used for any remaining bags of fish in the event of primary scale failure. Any re-weighed bags or big bass must be requested immediately upon first weight while at scales and accept second weight called.
20. All ties will be decided by a unanimous vote of tied teams to split winnings or otherwise by the flip of a coin. Participants must be present to accept any checks or dismissed by director.
21. All protests must be made in writing within 10 minutes after “last call” for fish. Written protests will result in a binding decision being made. If the director is unable to resolve a dispute by substantiated evidence or admission of the accused, a polygraph will be required as instituted by the director only. The results of that polygraph will be binding. Both the filing party and the accused must post deposit to the director of $850 for the cost of testing. Refusal to post deposit by either party will result in a binding decision at that time. Deposit will be returned to the party in which the polygraph found in favor of. A decision of the protest will be governed by event officials only, unless subject to rule #18. Any participant is subject to polygraph at request of the director at any time with or without cause. All polygraphs are completed within 10 business days from time of request. The formal written protest or binding decisions as received and/or responded to, will be posted online at for public review.
22. Any team or person found to be cheating or unsportsmanlike by officials will be disqualified, prosecuted to the full extent of any laws and banned of future participation. A participant's use of: any other words, social media dialog, conduct or actions reflecting unfavorably upon FBFP2025's efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules are subject to formal sanctioning, disbarment from future events and/or civil penalties as determined by law.
23. FBFP2025 reserves the right to adjust tournament times or outright cancel any event. It is each participant’s responsibility to make individual decisions about their own safety in the event of severe weather. Any canceled event will not be rescheduled. Checks will be distributed according to guaranteed payout for any canceled event at the following scheduled event via ball draw.
24. FBFP2025 reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry received. Any X-Series entry is NON-transferable to other X-Series venues.There are NO RETURNS MADE for any entries, for any reason(s). Memberships and service fees are not returned for any reason once paid.
25. Any rules, interpretation of the rules, or rules not covered will be governed by event officials only and those decisions will be binding. Binding decisions of officials are not subject to formal appeal.